How to make fast gold in wow 5.4

How to make fast gold in wow 5.4

Author: sevhard Date: 14.07.2017

In World of Warcraft, gold is important. Without it, you're really nothing but a skill bar and another name with no mount. You need money to buy skills, items, armor, and so much more so read this guide to figure out how to get richer! In World of Warcraft Gold verdienen. Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas These allow you to collect the materials "mats" that other players use to make items.

The best professions to harvest these mats are skinning, herbalism, mining and enchanting for disenchanting.

how to make fast gold in wow 5.4

Make sure to also pick up fishing and cooking which do not count against your two-profession limit. Maybe once you level up your skills, drop a profession and take up blacksmithing, leatherworking, or jewel crafting and create some stuff! However, gathering professions rule all, although a lot of money can be made through trade professions, gathering profs. Because of the enormous costs for flying mounts, Blizzard designed this Burning Crusade world to make you a lot more gold than you can get from Azeroth.

However, at this point it may be better to simply stay in Azeroth until you hit level 60 because Blizzard recently upgraded quest money and exp rewards in Azeroth. Once in the Outlands, make sure to begin farming elemental motes. These are used to create primal which are required for Burning Crusade crafting and people pay enormous sums for them on the auction house. The same applies for Northrend, where Eternals will go for a higher price due to people's laziness.

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Rather than spending your money on new items at the AH auction house , go run an instance, you will get new gear, complete quests, and save plenty of gold. This is very profitable if you have not completed quests in the higher level zones as you can make close to gold per zone.

At level 80, a good way of making money is getting a character to go to Wintergrasp and farm 2x eternal earth eternal fire and eternal shadow. Then buy some Saronite bars off the auction house and get an alchemist to transmute them into titanium bars, now you have the mats for 2x titan steel bars, these sell for g up. Also if you can, take a miner to farm the eternals in wintergrasp because you can find some nice deposits there.

Get the add-on "Auctioneer. Then run instances, collecting greed loot and sell them at the auction house. You will find that things like shadow gem and malachite can sell for up to 3 gold each for rich characters who need items quickly.

Play the Auction House. One of the greatest ways to make gold is to simply work the Auction House. Generally, you always go by the principle "buy low, sell high," but it sometimes takes a bit more than that.

Generally, you'll want to invest in trade items.

how to make fast gold in wow 5.4

Alternatively, some of the best items to flip for profit on the Auction House are TCG mounts. There are addons that can assist you in your endeavors, such as Tycoon and Tradeskillmaster. JC isn't that profitable at first, but once you have a ton of JC cuts from doing JC dailies or prospecting titanium ore the money just rolls in, cutting for tips in trade or buying uncut gems from excess triumphs or since 4. Fishing- once you have leveled fishing to , find a secluded spot in wintergrasp, and just fish away, all the fish you get, is used for Fish Feast.

Sometimes sculpin, and salmon sell for up to 70g a stack at times. Another great way to make dough off fish is dragonfin, those almost always sell at 50g a stack too depending on your server.

Trevkno's Guide to Fast Gold - Guides - Wowhead

Sell high level gear. Max level players are always in the market to improve their item level through the use of crafted gear, which is sometimes easier to get, and has better stats than those of raid gear especially LFR. Advertising in trade can give you quick money. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.

If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Invest in big bags such as Netherweave Bags.

Having lots of space on your character will greatly increase the amount you can gather and then sell on each trip out. If you find a certain type of item is in demand on your server and low on supply, don't hesitate to aggressively buy out all of that item and relist it for a profit.

You can start small with 1 or 2 specific items, and Deviate Fish sell for over 1 gold if you're a fisher. Make friends in the game and join a guild with helpful people in it!

Just like real life, social networking will mean the difference between making one gold or 1, Create an alternative character "alt" and mail all valuable items greens, blues, profession materials, cloth, etc. Use your alt to store items called a bank and to sell items on the auction house also sometimes referred to as an "AH mule" or a "bank character", which are especially useful when your character is far from a major city.

Another add-on that is helpful for gatherers is Cartographer Routes. It plots the shortest distance between spawnpoints of ore or herbs. Mounts can now be bought at level 20! Effective from Patch 3. Auctioneer helps record prices of what items are selling for on the Auction House, and can help you find deals that you can buy and resell for a profit.

Tycoon and Tradeskillmaster can help you flip items for profit.

how to make fast gold in wow 5.4

Sell low and set a buyout. This cannot stressed enough; always market on the trade channel before putting it on the Auction House, and do not undercut the other auctions, as it will start a bidding war with no winner.

Use a mod like Auctioneer to auto set the price to market standards. Once again, Tycoon and Tradeskillmaster are essential for this. Sell stackable items on the auction house one at a time or in stacks of two or three. Often you will earn more gold by selling 20 individual items than one stack of 20 items. Selling in smaller stacks also both reduces your overall deposit substantially and reduces your lost money in the event your item does not sell.

But please, do not sell a large number like 50 of the same item one by one. Doing this undermines the price of the item: It is also obnoxious.

Holding onto your items for a few days may mean the difference between 50 silver and 5 gold. Join communities and document what you learn. In this way not only can you learn from experts but also break the warcraft learning curve if you are a beginner or intermediate. Sell the gray and white items you find to vendors. They are called "trash" for a reason.

Over time this will make you a lot of gold. The add-on "Autoprofit" will help a lot with this by automatically vendoring all gray items in your inventory. Warnings Do not try to scam other players, this will prevent people from buying from you later on, and may even get you an account suspension or ban.

Be nice, people would rather buy from a good person than some jerk.

Respect the Trade channel and do not use channel spam to advertise your items. Things You'll Need World of Warcraft.

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How to Make Gold on WoW |

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